MPW Industrial Services

Main Representative

  • Matthew Dawson
    Training and Development Manager
  • phone:  (740)928-0213

MPW Industrial Services
9711 Lancaster Road SE Hebron, Ohio 43025
United States of America

Business Description

MPW offers a variety of industrial cleaning, water purification, facility management, environmental management and container management services to thousands of clients throughout North America. Our diversified industrial services are applicable to a wide array of customer needs and enable clients to prosper in today's competitive environment. MPW improves operating reliability and profitability by coupling the best trained professionals with the most innovative technologies. MPW's in-house engineers and fabrication technicians customize proprietary tooling and mobile operating systems to accommodate specialized industry requirements and ever changing environmental demands.



Industrial cleaning services (industrial plant cleaning/waterblasting, maintenance for the petrochemical, refining, and pipeline industries, etc.)
Vacuum Truck Services
Waterblast cleaning
