
Meet the Candidates for the WJTA Board of Directors

Updated September 17, 2023

Voting for six (6) open positions on the WJTA Board of Directors is open July 28, 2023, to September 15, 2023. Click here to Vote in the 2023 Board Election. Voting has closed for the 2023 election.

Note: the WJTA bylaws were updated effective April 2022 to stipulate that to be eligible to vote, members must be in good standing for the year in which the election takes place and have also been a member in good standing in the previous year.

On July 28, 2023, a link to vote online will be circulated to WJTA members eligible to vote. Members may also request a paper ballot by emailing wjta@wjta.org or calling +1-314-241-1445. All ballots (written or electronic) must be received by the WJTA office no later than September 15, 2023.

James W. Ashmead

James W. Ashmead

JAMES W. ASHMEAD, DuPont Specialty Products USA, LLC, has been an employee of the DuPont Company for 36 years and holds the title of research investigator. During his career, Jim has built competencies in many fields, including machine design, robotic automation, micro-fluidics, hygienic design, and industrial cleaning. He has participated in updating DuPont’s safety standards for industrial hydroblasting as well as leading the industrial cleaning and hydroblasting team. He has strived to keep DuPont up-to-date in hands-free technology, as well as the industry best practices.

Mission/Vision: I am honored to be nominated as a WJTA board member. Over the past several years I have been fortunate enough to participate in updating the WJTA’s orange book, Industry Best Practices for the Use of High Pressure Waterjetting Equipment, as well as serve on the Board of Directors as secretary. As an asset owner, I am supportive of the WJTA’s efforts to create a hydroblast operator training program. If elected, I will work diligently to drive and support the WJTA mission. I look forward to participating in the effort to develop global standards, improve productivity through operator training programs, improved safety manuals, as well as the adoption of hands-free hydroblasting.

Nominated by: Nominated by Drew Waltenbaugh, President and CEO, NLB Corp.

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Richard Bass

Richard Bass

RICHARD BASS is the safety supervisor at Kuraray EVAL, chairperson for the Houston Business Roundtable, chairperson of the Texas Chemical Council 2023 EHS Seminar, Texas Chemical Council Occupational Safety Committee vice chair, 2021 TCC Safety Professional of the Year, vice chair of the La Porte, Morgan’s Point and Shoreacres LEPC, consultant to the La Porte Plant Managers Network, Texas Safety Foundation board member, and a member of San Jacinto College CPET EHS Advisory Board.

Mission/Vision: As an asset owner, I am honored to be nominated as a potential WJTA board member. Over the past few years, I have made it a part of my personal mission to bring awareness of changes needed from asset owners and their influence on industrial cleaning safety and technology development, with an emphasis on hands-free automation. As the chair of Houston Business Roundtable, I challenged HASC and WJTA to develop a permit writer training course to improve asset owner knowledge of industrial cleaning safety requirements and the creation of the HBR Industrial Cleaning Committee. I am supportive of WJTA and the Hydroblast Training and Certification Program, and if elected, will help to raise awareness of the program to other asset owners to make it a requirement throughout industry.

Nominated by: Nominated by Frank G. Romito, Senior Training Specialist, StoneAge, Inc.

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Sean Benoit

Sean Benoit

SEAN BENOIT, CSP, is senior vice president of health and safety for Clean Harbors Industrial Services North America. He has worked at Clean Harbors for 10 years and, prior to that, was with PSC Industrial Services for 19 years. Sean’s focus is to implement and provide oversight and guidance for Clean Harbors Industrial Services health and safety programs throughout the organization. Sean has served as the department head of program compliance and training, mechanical integrity and reliability, and in various health and safety management roles throughout his career. Sean earned his bachelor's degree in occupational health and safety from Columbia Southern University and a degree in fire science from Louisiana State University. Sean has over 30 years of environmental, health, and safety experience and holds certifications as a Certified Safety Professional, Radiation Safety Officer, and Certified Environmental Compliance Manager. He has served on various safety committees nationally to ensure safe workplaces for the industrial workforce, such as the WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA), American Petroleum Institute (API), and other general safety committees. He is a registered member and was president of the Imperial Calcasieu Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals for approximately six years. Sean currently serves as chairman of the board for a local children's theater.

Mission/Vision: My mission is to continue serving and promoting safety in the industrial industry and my community and to use my expertise to lead by example and empower others to make safety the number one value. I am committed to protecting those in our industry's workforce by continuously learning and expanding my health and safety knowledge to provide the most effective tools, practices, and opportunities.

Nominated by: Nominated by Matthew Dawson, Training and Development Manager, MPW Industrial Services

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Hans Borgt

Hans Borgt

HANS BORGT is globally responsible for industrial cleaning within the Dow Chemical Company, where he is the technical associate of industrial cleaning in the Technical Expertise & Services Technology Center. Before joining Dow in 2007, he worked for ten years in the industrial automation space. Hans holds a degree in chemical engineering and in material science. He was the driving force within Dow working to non-manual hydroblasting and introducing new, innovative cleaning technologies. In addition to his extensive work at the Dow Chemical Company, Hans is a part of the executive board of the SIR Industrial Cleaning Foundation in the Netherlands and Belgium, co-chair of the global industrial cleaning recommendations committee, project lead within the Knowledge and Innovation Center for the Maintenance Process Industry (KIC-MPI), board member of the European Water Jetting Institute (EWJI), and editorial board member of the Heat Exchanger Design Handbook (HEDH). Hans also lectures on industrial cleaning at Avans University for Applied Science in Breda.

Mission/Vision: Over the last twelve years, I have dedicated myself to improving safety in the industrial cleaning space. We have driven the development and use of automation and continue to look for new and innovative ways to clean the equipment at Dow. I want to help WJTA improve safety, hands-free technology and productivity through technology, safety, training, and best-demonstrated practices for current and potential industry participants and employees.

Nominated by: Nominated by James W. Ashmead, DuPont Specialty Products USA, LLC

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Randy Buening

Randy Buening

RANDY BUENING is the president of Super Products, a manufacturer of vacuum trucks located in southeast Wisconsin. Randy has been in the commercial vehicle and associated equipment space all of his 30+ years of working and could not imagine doing anything else. He takes great pride in an industry that has quite literally helped build America. Within that realm, Randy has led aftermarket operations, lease and rental activities, and currently the manufacture and distribution of truck mounted equipment supporting key economic sectors like communications, energy, industrial activity, mining, and utilities. Randy holds an undergraduate degree in engineering from the University of Illinois, and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University.

Mission/Vision: My vision for the WJTA is that it be the undisputed go-to source for best practices and safe operations in waterjetting and industrial vacuuming. My mission is to help achieve the stated vision through continued improvement in both the availability and delivery of resources and training for industrial vacuum operations. Our company has a proud 50-year history in the vacuum truck business; I intend to leverage our resources in the interest of safety and sustainability for our members and our industry.

Nominated by: Nominated by Monte Black, Chairman and CEO, MPW Industrial Services

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Bradley Coble

Bradley Coble

BRADLEY COBLE, hydroblasting specialist – Covestro LLC, Baytown TX, “officially” began his career in 1995 as an entry level technician in Port Arthur, TX. Over the next 25 years he developed his career in many aspects of the industry including entry, mid, and senior level management roles. During the time spent in each of those roles Bradley developed significant skill in the Lean/Six Sigma principles, understanding how to incorporate efficiencies into his industrial cleaning craft and working with various teams to drive out execution defects. Bradley has also served in behavior-based safety roles culminating in a core team position for the launch of The Loss Prevention System (LPS)™ assisting in the training and development of over 2,000 industrial cleaning professionals. Bradley led a team in the transition to a hands-off pressure environment, and worked with specialty engineering firms to develop mechanized solutions for difficult high pressure water cleaning activities. Before moving into the hydroblasting specialist role, Bradley spent time on the OEM side of the industry working with asset owners to identify difficult automated and efficiency solutions for their process equipment. In addition to the multiple vantage points Bradley has had in the industrial cleaning arena, Bradley has served in multiple speaking engagements with the Waterjet Technology Association (WJTA), Houston Business Roundtable (HBR), Industrial Cleaning Association of China (ICAC), and the Contractor Owner Safety Team (COST).

Mission/Vision: My mission is to utilize my experience as a contractor, manufacturer, and asset owner to further advance industrial cleaning into the true specialty craft that it is. My vision is to be a part of an organization that is focused on the development of the men and women in the industrial cleaning industry. My goal is to work with like-minded professionals that diligently move the industry to a mechanized or autonomous use of high-pressure cleaning equipment in all aspects and facilities for asset owners. I believe that the continued development in personnel bench strength and next level technology is going to be instrumental in the survival of this unique cleaning industry.

Nominated by: Nominated by David Beckum, CEO, Augusta Industrial Services, Inc.

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Blake K. Hardin

Blake K. Hardin

BLAKE K. HARDIN is the chief executive officer of Ancon Services, Inc. and oversees the strategic growth and development of Ancon and its industrial, environmental, safety and utility business lines. Blake joined Ancon in 2005 in charge of business development where he learned industrial cleaning from the ground up. He quickly moved through an array of operations and financial positions before joining Ancon’s Board of Directors in 2012. The Board of Directors appointed Blake as president in 2014. Under his stewardship, Ancon has continued to grow at an unprecedented rate and has diversified the markets served to include renewable, mining and utilities. He was a member of the Young President’s Organization’s Board of Directors from 2012-2022 and the Long Beach Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors from 2015-2022. Blake holds a BA in Political Science with an emphasis in international relations from San Diego State University in 2004, and an MBA with an emphasis in finance from Long Beach State University in 2010.

Mission/Vision: My mission/vision for the WJTA is to continue the push for the development of safe and efficient waterjetting operations through automation and improved training while aligning our initiatives with facility owners to create a mutually beneficial relationship.

Nominated by: Nominated by Jeff Caffey, Senior Vice President, Sales, Ancon

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Chad Kalland

Chad Kalland

CHAD KALLAND is the CEO of Vecta Environmental Services, LLC, a full-service industrial cleaning firm specializing in hydroblasting, chemical cleaning, hydro excavation, and turnaround services. Chad has over 30 years of experience in the industrial and environmental industry and has served in his current role as CEO of Vecta since 2013.

Mission/Vision: I am honored to be nominated as a potential WJTA board member, and I am excited about the opportunity to positively impact our industry. I have worked in the industrial and environmental services industry my entire career, and I am passionate about the women and men who have chosen this profession. The future of our industry depends on our ability to provide everyone with equal opportunities for career development, and I believe the WJTA has an opportunity to lead this charge. If elected to the board, I will work to ensure that opportunities for advancement are accessible to all members of the organization. I recognize that creating these pathways requires collaboration and cooperation with industry partners and asset owners, and I look forward to participating in these meaningful discussions.

Nominated by: Nominated by Kerry Siggins, CEO, StoneAge, Inc.

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Brendan Shackelford

Brendan Shackelford

BRENDAN SHACKELFORD is the president of KMT Waterjet Systems at Shape Technologies. The Shape Technologies’ waterblast group is comprised of Advanced Pressure Systems (APS), Riverstone Pressure Systems (RPS), Aqua-Dyne, and the surface preparation division of Flow International, which produces the Husky Line of UHP pumps and Hydrocat robotic cleaning system, among other tools and systems. Brendan was born in Germany while his father was stationed in the U.S. Air Force. After stints living and studying in Germany, England, Japan, and various states in the U.S. as part of a military family, he joined the U.S. Navy under the Nuclear Power Program in 1998. His time in the Navy is where he would get his first exposure to UHP, spending countless hours squeezed into the end-bell of main propulsion plant condensers on an Ohio Class nuclear submarine, hydro-lancing seawater tubes. As a nuclear mechanic, Brendan also spent considerable time rebuilding the triplex pumps used in the engine room. He quickly advanced to rank of chief and was responsible for managing, operating, and maintaining multi-billion-dollar submarine nuclear power plants on various subs in the U.S. fleet under constant operational time constraints. After leaving the Navy, Brendan was named the general manager of a four-state service region for the Rosemount Measurement Division of Emerson Electric. In this role, he was responsible for eight facilities providing all repair, field service, custom manufacturing, and quick ship parts inventory to support the regional and national process automation equipment. Near the end of 2016, Brendan joined the Shape Technologies team as the director of aftermarket and service for the Shape Waterblast Group. In August of the following year, following the rapid growth and improvements he drove in the spares and service business, Brendan moved into the role of vice president of the overall business. He advanced to a role as president of Shape’s waterblast businesses in October of 2018 and to his current role of president of KMT Waterjet Systems in May of 2023. Brendan holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology as well as a master’s degree in business administration, courtesy of the GI Bill that he earned serving in the U.S. Navy. He also has various professional and technical certifications earned via his nuclear engineering training in the Navy and his process controls equipment training at Emerson.

Mission/Vision: Brendan’s primary mission, upon selection to join the WJTA board, will be to continue to advance the safety and efficiency of the equipment and processes employed in the high pressure (HP) and ultra-high pressure (UHP) water industry. The two specific outcomes of this effort are to induce a broader adoption of HP/UHP water as the medium of choice in industrial applications and to create a better and safer working environment for the operators performing the work. The primary drivers behind Brendan’s passion surrounding his mission can be traced back to his roots as a military child and then naval veteran himself. In working with the U.S. Navy, as one of Flow Internationals largest UHP partners, he has realized the impact that UHP can have on maintaining peak fleet readiness while keeping maintenance costs low and reducing environmental impact. As someone who spent countless hours water lancing condenser tubes as a young submariner and now serves as an executive for a leading OEM manufacturer in the industry, he has a broad, and very personal, understanding and respect for the importance of safety and efficiency for today’s operators. Finally, Brendan is in a unique position to execute on his mission due to the diversity of the Shape Technologies Group family of companies. Among those companies are multiple robotics and automation integrators, software companies, and, of course, the leading waterjet cutting brands in the industry. Drawing on the other disciplines and expertise within SHAPE to pull technology and innovation into the HP and UHP spaces will be one of Brendan’s primary tools to achieve his stated mission.

Nominated by: Nominated by Chris Ewart, President, Shape Waterblast Group

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Kerry Siggins

Kerry Siggins

KERRY SIGGINS is the CEO of StoneAge, Inc., a leading manufacturer of high-pressure waterblasting and sewer cleaning tools and equipment based in Durango, Colorado. Kerry joined StoneAge in January 2007 as the director of operations and was named chief executive officer in 2009. Kerry has been a WaterJet Technology Association board member since 2011 and currently serves as vice president. She is the chair of the Global Standards Committee and is helping to affect lasting change worldwide by advocating for the adoption of basic hydroblasting standards. She is also the chair of the WJTA’s Education Committee.

Mission/Vision: I am honored to be nominated for a fourth term as a WJTA board member. Over the past four years, we have achieved several key milestones that I am proud to have been a part of. Most significant is the development of the asset owner education track at the WJTA’s 2022 Expo and Conference and the creation of the WJTA scholarship fund. I am grateful to be the chair of the Global Standards committee, partnering with global asset owners and safety associations to develop the Seven Basic Principles for Safe Waterjetting. I am supportive of the WJTA’s efforts to create the Hydroblast Operator Training program and continually improve our safety manuals. If re-elected, I will work diligently to progress the development of the WJTA’s training and certification program, promoting the adoption of hands-free hydroblasting equipment to create safer and more efficient working conditions within our industry. I will also work to strengthen our internal working committees, assist in the revision of our safety manuals, continue to help to build the Hydroblast Operator Training curriculum and expand our scholarship program.

Nominated by: Nominated by Jimmy Peck, General Manager, MPW Industrial Services

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Bryan Ursic

Bryan Ursic

BRYAN URSIC is the president and general manager of A.M. Gatti, Inc., a company that designs and manufactures waterjet orifice nozzles and ultra-high pressure components located in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania. After earning his BS in industrial engineering from Lehigh University in 2002, Bryan began his professional career in the industrial engineering department at United Parcel Service (UPS) in the Metro-Philadelphia district. With a strong pull to join the family business in 2004, Bryan started with A.M. Gatti, Inc. learning existing processes and perfecting them for quality and optimal performance. Throughout his near 20-year career with the company, Bryan has held numerous roles including engineering, product development, manufacturing and assembly, quality, operations, sales, and executive management. Over the years, Bryan has developed new and innovative waterjet products for a wide variety of industry applications and is regularly consulted by industry peers on topics such as orifice nozzle design, nozzle performance optimization, and product integrations. Bryan is a technology, automotive, and aviation enthusiast, and holds a private pilot license for single and multi-engine aircraft.

Mission/Vision: It is an honor to be nominated for the WJTA board of directors. As a long-time member of the waterjetting community, I understand the importance of promoting safe and effective practices that result in the most efficient use of waterjet technology, and I remain committed to advancing that mission if elected. Continued growth of the waterjet industry is predicated upon our ability to meet not only today’s challenges, but also tomorrow’s. My experience in a wide variety of waterjet applications will offer a complementary perspective to the board, and I will be fully engaged in serving the WJTA community in furtherance of industry wide objectives to broaden waterjetting’s reach into all sectors of industrial cleaning and coating removal, surface preparation, and cutting.

Nominated by: Nominated by Bill Krupowicz, Vice President and General Manager, Jetstream of Houston, LLP

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Drew Waltenbaugh

Drew Waltenbaugh

DREW WALTENBAUGH is the chief executive officer of NLB Corporation. He began his professional career in 1982 with Pure Carbon Company. Drew earned his BS in chemical engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in 1982 and his MBA in finance from Oakland University in 2003. He has been a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) since 1980 and became a lifetime member of the Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) Honors Fraternity in 2003. While at Pure Carbon Company (manufacturer of seal faces and bearings for pumps), Drew held numerous positions: engineering, quality, production control, business unit manager and plant manager. Drew relocated to Michigan in 1996, joining Foamade Industries (automotive component supplier) as the plant manager and held several positions culminating in the role of chief operating officer. He joined NLB in 2010 and became its chief executive officer and president in 2012. Drew was inducted to the Who’s Who Worldwide Membership of Business Leaders in the 1992-1993 Who’s Who Registry. His work at NLB includes a vision to utilize the very strong positive brand and product reputation that NLB has established since 1971 as the springboard in moving the organization forward as the safest provider of waterjetting products in the world, while simultaneously striving to deliver exemplary customer service to all customers.

Mission/Vision: My vision for WJTA is to become integral to our organization in expanding the safest use of waterjetting technology through an educational process to current and prospective waterjet users. The goal is to drive this vision through a worldwide endeavor, requiring an ongoing honing of the skillsets of all WJTA members in the uses of existing and new technology. Key areas of focus include working towards implementation of industry wide safety standards (color coding, best practices, etc.); assisting WJTA to make this the organization that both industrial contractors and industrial contract services buyers look to for direction and best practices (inclusive of waterjetting manufacturers and vacuum equipment suppliers); working towards consistency in developing and implementing an industry wide training program; assisting in identifying and publishing information regarding the latest advancements in the market through our publications, papers and seminars; and enhancing WJTA’s presence in the areas of surface preparation, hydro-demolition and cutting applications. Driving our members to rely on the WJTA for guidance, safety and performance standards must be core to our mission.

Nominated by: Nominated by James Ashmead, DuPont Specialty Products USA, LLC

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