
Focused Education for Asset Owners a Highlight at WJTA 2019

WJTA 2019 Conference

July 26, 2019, St. Louis, MO - WJTA is launching a new asset owner education track at WJTA 2019 to offer plant personnel (representatives of petrochemical plants, refineries, power plants, pulp and paper mills, oil and gas midstream, steel mills, mining locations, etc.) an opportunity to understand the current and future state of industrial cleaning safety. The interactive nature of the educational program allows participants to network at a high level and stay informed and engaged with WJTA's evolving best practices guidelines for hydroblasting and vacuum loading in North America and other parts of the world.

With input from experienced asset owners, contractors and OEMs, Organizing Committee Chair Giao Lam of Dow Chemical has introduced the new track of educational sessions geared directly towards owner safety personnel, permit writers, maintenance/turnaround planners and operations (attendance is limited to asset owners). The sessions, which take place on November 12, include topics on:

  • Understanding the need for global hydroblasting principles
  • Why asset owners need to know cleaning basics
  • Case study on the use of automated equipment to reduce confined space entry and line-of-fire hazards
  • Bottom line success stories on cost savings

Finally, a panel discussion open to all Conference/Expo participants, "Asset Owners, Contractors and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs): Call for Strategic Collaboration and Innovative Thinking," will also be held on November 12. Bill Krupowicz, Jetstream of Houston, LLP; Jimmy Peck, MPW Industrial Services; Alan Smith, BASF; and Moderator Kerry Siggins, StoneAge, Inc., will explore how asset owners, contractors and OEMs can come together to create safer, more productive ways of using high pressure water to clean.

Visit www.wjtaimcaexpo.com for the latest Conference/Expo news and developments or call 1-314-241-1445.

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