The second edition of WJTA’s popular waterjetting safety video is available now.
Industry Best Practices for Waterjetting – An Introduction to Manual and Automated Waterjetting Operations, the new WJTA safety video, is a visual companion to the association’s Industry Best Practices for the Use of High Pressure Waterjetting Equipment manual released in October 2016. The video is a valuable resource for new employee orientation or refresher training.
The 30-minute safety video covers both manual and robotic waterjetting systems and applications, including:
Order your updated video through the online store or call +1-314-241-1445.
WJTA members save $50 off the regular price for single copies of the new safety video and save even more on bulk orders. Make sure your membership is current or join now. Call +1-314-241-1445 or email Becky at